Social Anxiety Disorder

Only the most arrogant, self important, or deeply self centered people are not at all shy. The rest of us tend to think twice about speaking in front of groups of new people and get sweaty palms. Of course teachers and others who speak in front of groups get completely used to it and it become second nature. For some people though interacting with others whether individuals or groups can be absolutely terrifying. The symptoms are not dissimilar to other anxiety disorders (for a symptoms list click here.)

The results of having a social phobia or social phobia disorder can be widespread depending on severity. Feeling unable to interact with colleagues can of course harm a career, also forming lasting relationships with potential partners and making friends can also be hard.

What can be done about it?

The typical treatment is normally a combination of drugs and Cognitive behavioral Therapy. Which can quickly change behavior and relieve the anxiety.
Drugs will normally be of the SSRI type.

Relaxation techniques are probably not going to be particularly helpful but therapies which uncover some underlying cause (if there is one) may well help or even solve the problem.

Why not check out Social Fear for more info!

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