Using exercise to reduce stress and anxiety

There are of course many studies into reducing stress and eliminating anxiety. Many of these pieces of research, although peer reviewed, are carried out by the companies that produce stress and anxiety relieving products, such as pharmaceutical companies. Obviously only the research that shows their products favourably ever sees the light of day as far as we, the consumer, are concerned.

It is interesting then that in study after study exercise is found to be "almost" as effective as medication as a stress-reliever and anti-depressant. We have to be careful when rating techniques which reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The placebo effect and the power of belief hold the trump cards here. But, if it works then it is worth doing, even if its basis is not scientifically proven.

One thing is for sure. Exercise can be an excellent stress reliever which results in less stress and anxiety, better, sounder, longer sleep, better mood and less depression. We can state this as a fact, as doctors and complementary, alternative and quackery therapists are all agreed on it. A very rare thing in the world of health! And best still, exercise is free!

FACT: Self Hypnosis is a great way to reduce and eliminate stress and other negative habits.

Good stress busting exercises are:

  • Walking
  • Swimming (preferably in the sea!)
  • Running
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi

Let me say a word or too more about those. Walking gives you time to think, burns calories, and has a strange way of calming the mind I find.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that swimming in the sea as often as possible has a profound effect on depression and stress. I would advise caution with respect to weather, tide and temperature conditions. Perhaps this is one to try with a group.

Vigorous exercise like running is definitely good, but I recommend choosing an exercise regime that you can stick to, not one that you will be making excuses to forget after about a week.

Yoga and Tai Chi are both excellent stress relievers. They also claim many other health benefits. Those people who have access to a good teacher seldom look back.

A would like to say a word about punchbags. On the face of it these would seem to be the ultimate stress reliever. You can imagine your worst enemy and beat seven bells out of them. It might well be fun, and good exercise, but anecdotal evidence has also suggested that rather than relaxing you it brings out even more aggression. Something to think about!

Related post: Click here for Exercise and antidepressant pill post.

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